Saturday, September 11, 2010

Think long and hard...

Well, today was Eli's 1st soccer game of the 2010 season and it was quite comical for a couple of reasons. One being that soccer games with 4-6 years are ALWAYS comical! Whether it's because they are laying on the flag posts like my son, kicking the ball once and feeling like their work on the field is done or simply because they are determined to kick the ball in the wrong goal. Watching a 6-U soccer game provides all kinds of comical relief. It was especially comical today because you-know-who was bamboozled into being the coach :-) So, yep, your girl, is the 6-U coach. This is the same girl, whose first introduction to soccer was just one year ago. The same girl, who still struggles with when there needs to be a corner kick or a goal kick. I have to say that although, it was a bit chaotic on the field today, I think everyone had fun! And that's the point of soccer when you're 4, 5 or 6, right? So, I say this...when "they" try to swindle/bamboozle/hoodwink you into being the soccer coach because its only a 2 hour per week commitment....remember to think long  and hard before you agree....

Here's some pics from today...the last one sums it all  up....look at those little people closely,  you've got a  couple ready to attack the ball, ME  in the middle of tying a shoe, one staring off into space and another not even facing our goal...believe it or not...the ref hadn't even blown the whistle.....ahhh...the joys :-)

Yep, thats my kid...

Wondering, "what did I get myself into"

Sums it all up...